Well, this political family has had a whole lot less time for readin', I tell ya'. (Except for COMM-D, who can read with her eyes closed). But Larry is reading "God's Politics : Why the Right Gets It Wrong and the Left Doesn't Get It" by Jim Wallis,
and "Digital Fortress" by Dan Brown. I don't even want to know what that one's about, this campaign is enough of a thriller for me. I, your weary blogger, dksbook, am reading "Lincoln's Melancholy: How Depression Challenged a President and Fueled His Greatness" by Joshua Wolf Shenk. It sort of fits my mood, and is actually one of the most hopeful books I have ever read.
Now, you may have noticed that my name is dks
book. That is because I am a notorious reader and book-lover. If my mother-in-law were still alive, she'd love to just sit down and tell you how rude I am, reading right out there in the open at family reunions and how I'd rather
read than sit at their table and play 42 with 'em. But I haven't read a mystery, or chick lit, or even a pornographic best-seller (they're all written by Republicans, anyway) since
last summer. I don't know what's happened to me. I used to devour trashy books almost as quickly as COMM-D - and she is working and going to grad school! I am beginning to fear I have lost my focus. Eating chocolate and reading a good mystery no longer sound like a good vacation activity. Now all I want to do is sit on a beach and watch the waves for 3 hours in the morning and 3 hours in the evening. Then I want to sleep from all that wave-watching. Of course, a white-jacketed bar boy bringing fruity drinks now and then would be nice, too; but I no longer see books in that picture.
Don't ask me what COMM-D is reading. She reads about 3 books a day. I guess the campaign is not giving her enough to do.
As a side-note, I want to give props to the local Democratic Precinct 3 War Room. Those guys are caffeinated and ready to roll. I expect to see Precinct 3 go blue in the next election. Stay tuned.