Now Just What Constitutes Fraud, Waste, and Abuse? And Wasn't That A Republican Mantra?
Just read this dandy post on BOR, a report on Chris Bell's appearance in Galveston. I'm just gonna give you a taste of Chris Bell on the Texas Enterprise Fund, which may be a fancy name for Republican Business Slush Fund:
Can you spell C-O-R-R-U-P-T-I-O-N?
Here is where the façade falls down and we find out the dirty little secret behind all those big promises. Rick Perry says that he spent more than $200 million to bring more than 22,800 jobs. But earlier this year, the Legislative Budget Board reported how many jobs had actually been created. Anyone want to guess how many jobs we got for $215 million dollars?
It wasn’t 22,000, not by a long shot. Anyone have any guesses?
The truth is so awful it makes me want to laugh and cry at the same time. For $215 million, the Texas Enterprise Fund only created 275 jobs as of January 31. Two-seventy-five. That’s about a million bucks a job. Some of those jobs will become real in the future, maybe ten years down the road, maybe someday, if we squeeze our eyes shut and wish really hard, but right now we’re paying way too much to do way too little.
Can you spell C-O-R-R-U-P-T-I-O-N?