Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Something nice every day now...

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The Bulldog was disappointed when the San Antonio Toll Party, after all his work in local hearings and after all his stumping their position, did not endorse him, just listed him as one of the "Good Guys" on the issue, and his opponent as one of the Bad Guys" on the issue. They said they did not want to dilute their endorsement. Their call, I guess.

But a nice surprise was in The Bulldog's inbox last night:


Early Voting: Oct 23 - Nov 3 Election Day, Tuesday, Nov 7th


Help stop corruption, new taxes, new layers of government, tolls on roads we've already paid for, the TTC land grab and save Texas - and $1,000's a year! We've found the best Republicans, Democrats and Independents that have already begun to fight for US (NOT the special interests). Print out this ACCOUNTABILITY VOTERS GUIDE and take it with you into the voting booth. Send this list to others now."

Governor: Carole Keeton Strayhorn
The ONLY gubernatorial candidate with alternatives for Perry's TTC and double tax toll Boondoggles! (Bulldog is voting for Chris Bell)

Attorney General: David Van Os

Agriculture Commissioner: Hank Gilbert

US Senate: Barbara Radnofsky

US Congress Dist. 21: John Courage

US Congress Dist. 23: Lukin Gilliland

State House:
Dist. 13: Lois Kolkhorst
Dist. 20: Jim Stauber
Dist. 45: Jim Neuhaus
Dist. 47: Bill Welch
Dist. 48: Donna Howard
Dist. 49: Elliott Naishtat
Dist. 50: Jerry Chandler
Dist. 51: Eddie Rodriguez
Dist. 52: Karen Felthauser
Dist. 73: Nathan Macias
Dist. 101: Tom Latham
Dist. 122: Larry Stallings
Dist. 125: Nelson Balido
Dist. 117: David Leibowitz
Dist. 118: Joe Farias

State Senate:
Dist. 14 : Robert "Rock" Howard
Dist. 19 : Dick Bowen
Dist. 25 : Kathi Thomas

Travis County Commissioner, Precinct 2: Sarah Eckhardt

Hays County Judge: Elizabeth “Liz” Sumter

Bexar County Commissioner: Tommy Adkisson

Who represents you?

Texas Elections:

IMPORTANT: Both the Democrat and the Republican Parties have failed to represent us. Special interests, who fund toller campaigns, are being allowed to take our land, roads, and tax dollars for profit. This is a strategic plan to replace special interest politicians. We can no longer vote along party lines. We must shop the ballot to de-elect the looters and elect the better candidate. We must vote strategically and wisely to stop the corruption. Print out this ACCOUNTABILITY VOTERS GUIDE an d take it with you into the voting booth. SEND THIS VOTERS GUIDE OF THE GOOD GUYS AND GALS TO EVERYONE YOU KNOW IN TEXAS!

Thank You
Sal Costello
Founder of People for Efficient Transportation PAC
DAILY NEWS HERE: http://salcostello.blogspot.com/
email me with questions 24/7: Sal@TexasTollParty.com

The Bulldog thanks you, Sal.


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