Thursday, October 19, 2006

Frank Corte's Supporters Are Not Very Smart

They are very easily confused, it seems.

Today, we got this email from the National Rifle Association, who has given Mr. dks their top rating, an "A" rating (he believes we need the right to bear arms more than we ever did with this group in charge)(emphasis mine):

Mr. Stallings -

I am the lobbyist for the National Rifle Association here in Texas. I need you to make a correction to your website. You have your "A" rating from NRA listed under "Endorsements" on your website. I have had calls from several members in the district who are confused by this, because the NRA-PVF endorsed candidate in the race is State Rep. Frank Corte!

I need you to take this down from your website, or move the word about the "A" rating somewhere other than under "Endorsements" because it is creating a wrongful perception about our position in the race.

I'm not accusing you of doing this intentionally, but if you don't remove or move this, I'm going to be forced to send out a press release pointing out the misinformation, and it will not reflect favorably on your campaign.

Please take care of this within the next 24 hours. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Thank you,
Tara Reilly Mica
NRA-ILA State Liaison
(512) 636-9314

What precipitated this confusion? Well, look at this screenshot of Mr. dks' endorsement page:

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Does it say the NRA endorses Larry Stallings? As a reader of TexasKaos, I am sure you can read. It clearly states "rated", does it not?

So, to assist those Frank supporters out there in understanding the exact nature of Mr. dks' relationship to the NRA, we are taking the notification of their "A" rating of him from the endorsement page, and putting it on the front page of the website. Just so there's no confusion.

All this makes us kind of wonder just what Frank Corte is afraid of. He is running in a 70% Republican district against a guy with about 1/20th of the money he had last election when he ran unopposed.


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