Friday, March 10, 2006

Tale of Three Mollys

OK, my favorite Molly is this one; she's related to me. I also love this Molly; which is probably going to get me in a whole bunch of trouble. But she reminds me of Jane, who helped a lot of women and girls in a heap o' trouble back in my day. You see, I remember coathanger days, I remember reading about women and girls dying from unsafe abortions. I remember in particular, a girl in the local high school who committed suicide because she was afraid to tell her parents she had gotten pregnant.

It kinda sucked, "back in the day", being female. We were supposed to be attractive, yet modest; seductive, yet virgins; clever, but not smart. We were supposed to be, in a word, popular. It was a very fine line we had to walk, "back in the day"; and if we slipped by being too attractive or being too much in love, well there was that trip down the 101 to Mexico.

So I have a heap of admiration for Molly #2, born of my memory.

Then, today I read this from my second favorite (living) Molly; a woman I not only admire and repect, but love. And she is doing a little poorly lately, with an illness she'd rather not us talk about; so I was thinking it would be a great tribute to her if we just go out and win a bunch of elections this cycle. If we can take some seats back, everywhere, (including 122), we may have enough juice for the DLC and LMNOP and whatever other roll-over Dems there are in DC who think they run the party to stay the hell out of the way, and let real Democrats nominate a real Democrat in '08.

Well, a girl can hope...


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